Apart from a planner (of course!), these are the 8 things that I think are must haves for planning: 1. Notebook A notebook in addition to your daily or weekly planner. Since most planners ra...
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1. Pens – I had pens, pencils, and markers everywhere! I got them all out on my table and wrote with every one of them. Anything that didn’t work was immediately thrown away. That included pencils with hard erasers that wouldn’t erase any more.
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Do you have a messy and disorganized craft room? Craft paint bottles everywhere. Glitters and stickers all over the floor. Buttons, fabric, pieces of vinyl, and ribbons in every corner. But somehow, as someone who loves crafts, you feel this freedom to be crea...
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The weekend is what we look for every day. We plan a lot when the weekend comes. You can take a road trip, watch Netflix whole day, or give your master bedroom a total refresh.Transforming your bedroom doesn't take a massive overhaul—it can be as simple as adding in...
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